Records of all undergraduate and pharmacy students are examined at the end of each semester, including summer. Academic progress is measured by grades and credits earned. To be eligible to register continuously without restrictions, undergraduate and pharmacy students must maintain good standing, which is defined as a meeting or exceeding 2.00 on a 4.00 scale. Students who fail to achieve a semester 2.00 GPA will receive a deficient standing and are notified of their academic standing via their NDSU email address. All academic standings are defined in the University Catalog for further information.

See below for a graphic illustration:

Academic Standing Chart

Previous Standing End of Current Term
  Sem GPA below min;
CUM GPA at or above min.
Sem GPA below min;
Cum GPA below min.
Sem GPA above min;
​​Cum GPA below min.
First term student with no previous standing NA 2Alert NA
Admitted on Alert (ADPR) NA 3Suspension NA
Good (GOOD) 1Good 2Alert 2Alert
Warning (WARN)
(used prior to fall 2022)
1Good 2Alert 2Alert
Academic Alert (ACPR)
(formerly academic probation)
1Good 4Suspension 3Continued Alert
Continued Alert (CNPR)
(formerly continued probation)
1Good 4Suspension 3Continued Alert
5Suspension Appeal (SPCT) 1Good 4Suspension 3Continued Alert
Reinstate on Alert following
Suspension (ACSP)
1Good 4Suspension 3Continued Alert
  1. Good: Good standing is earned when a student’s cumulative GPA is at or above 2.00. Good does not appear on the official academic record.
  2. Academic Alert: Alert is issued in the first instance a student’s semester GPA and cumulative GPA are below 2.00. Alert does not appear on the official academic record.
  3. Continued Alert: Continuance of alert may be issued for as many semesters as the sem GPA is above with the cum GPA below 2.00. Continued Alert does not appear on the official academic record.
  4. Suspension: Intervention by the institution for failure to demonstrate academic improvement. Suspension is issued for the immediate two semesters following the suspended term. Suspension does appear on the official academic record. A registrar’s hold is place on the records of those students placed on suspension.
  5. Suspension Appeal: If suspended, a student may appeal but only if extenuating documented circumstances are presented and the student meets the minimum deficient GPA standards outline in the eligibility section of the appeal form. Colleges review these appeal requests. Approved suspension appeals are noted on the official academic record after the specific term as a continuance approved by Academic Standards with the date of approval. Students must meet or exceed the Semester GPA of the allowed continuance. If the Semester GPA is unsuccessful, the student record will revert to academic suspension and the student will be required to satisfy the terms of the university academic suspension policy without additional exceptions. Only one approved suspension appeal is allowed per student in pursuit of an undergraduate degree.

Please note: An automatic hold is placed on the records of all students who are placed on academic suspension (Registrar’s hold). This hold remains on a student’s record until the student has served the terms of the academic suspension and successfully Petitions for Readmission.

Resources to Assist with Academic Standing

  • NDSU ACE Tutoring: Many of our students find success at ACE through quiet study spaces, tutoring, or even group learning. All of these services are free to enrolled NDSU students.
  • NDSU Career and Advising Center: The major you currently have may not be the right fit for you and the Career and Advising Center can help you in exploring the best academic choice for you.
  • NDSU Counseling Center: Many factors including anxiety, depression, alcohol or other substances, and other mental health concerns can adversely affect academic success.
  • NDSU Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources: Accommodations may be available for qualified students.
  • Emergency and Additional Resources Program: If you are a student currently enrolled at NDSU and have immediate financial concerns, inability to pay for rent, food, or childcare, please inquire about possible limited emergency funding and/or additional student loan options by contacting One Stop. For resources that may assist you with basic needs, visit the Dean of Students Basic Needs and Resources page.